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پایگاه اُرُدیست های سوئد

پایگاه اُرُدیست های سوئد 17 Famous Philosophy Quotes About Life FromThe Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani 44 Inspiring The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani Quotes Worth Knowing 79 Famous Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani That Show What A Great Thinker He Is 74 Top Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani 100 Top Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani That Smash Popular Notions 98 Amazing Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani That Will Change Your Thinking 25 rare gems of thought FromThe Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani 19 Top The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani Quotes 17 Famous Philosophy Quotes About Life FromThe Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani Posted: 26 Apr 2021 07:58 AM PDT Cursing and insulting is not even worthy of enemies. -The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani T

35 Inspirational Quotes On Time By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Another name for water is life. -The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani There is no word to describe the value of water. -The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani Water, kindly, gives us its existence and we survive and gain strength, the question is, what do we do with it? -The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani Those who are unkind to water and waste it have forgotten their human duty. -The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani Water is life, the one who destroys it in vain has forgotten his life and existence. -The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani Unfortunately, people always forget the value of their most important and greatest possessions, and water is one of the best forgotten. -The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani What did we humans do with beautiful springs? How did we deal with our groundwater? And what legacy will we really have for the future? ... -The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani Water is the kindest part of the universe that mi